Penis and testicle clip for the stand pillory made of stainless steel


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Lieferzeit: 5 Tage

Artikelnummer: 130a57f22e69 Kategorien: , ,


The Cock and Ball Torture, or CBT for short, enjoys great popularity. Various factors play a role, such as the accessibility of limb and testicles, but also very practical things. The penis and testicle clip as a supplement for the Standpranger makes CBT games much easier for you. The clamp can be fixed comfortably at the desired height and thus be adjusted to the height of the best piece. So that the BDSM torture can also take place in peace, the associated standpranger offers possibilities for safe fixation. Penis and testicles are clamped in two separate holders and then comfortably fixed. You can easily adjust the strength of the fixation with two easy to use screw elements. Thus the pressure can be very finely dosed and the passive partner can be brought very slowly to its limits. The penis and testicle clamp for the Standpranger consists like the pillory also, of high-quality hi…

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